The Pulp Reality of the Jobbik

2010.06.08. 11:35 zeroglab

The left wing Hungarian government (MSZP-SZDSZ)*, which ruled Hungary in the past eight years, had a claim to be antifascist. How could it happen that the far right is more popular than in the darkest days of the country, during the Nazi occupation in 1944?


* MSZP (Hungarian Socialist Party) is a legal successor to the the Hungarian communist party which ruled the country for four decades until 1989. MSZP is ruled by a small group of ex-communist turned billionaire tycoons.

SZDSZ (Social Liberals) was MSZP’s strongest supporter much of the time after 1989. The Social Liberals participated in all three MSZP led governments even when is was not a necessity, and supported them to the bitter end. This end came with the landslide of the 2010 elections which erased SZDSZ from the visible political palette back into the infra red spectrum from where they originally came from (1). Many of the founders and early supporters of SZDSZ came from the colorful far-left of the 70’-80’s rebellious political underground of the Soviet satellite Hungary.

Despite loud claims of the Hungarian left being antifascists, and the best defenders of the Roma and Jew minority, the Hungarian far right gained unprecedented electoral support during the reign of the lef wing. The country was shaken by ethnically motivated murders of Roma citizens by an obscure nationalist terrorist organisation  and also by murders committed by Roma mob. One feared a civil war. The left is not only blamed for giving the far right damn good arguments during the 2010 elections and catapulting them into the pluche seats of the countries political nerve center, the National Assembly (N.A.). There are mounting sings of direct links between clandestine secret services from past and present and the far right.
Sooner or later this will be itchy for some nobilities who sit now on those old banks of the N.A. It is only a matter of time when someone is going to scratch those hidden noble parts.
The ultra-nationalist ‚Movement for a Better Hungary’ (Jobbik) (2.) party is now the  3rd largest party of Hungary. It is widely known and publicized that the leadership of the Jobbik was closely linked to a at least one communist secret agent, the late Eduardo Rózsa-Flores (3.).











He was also a good friend of Gábor Vona, the president of Jobbik, now a member of the parliament, and was very close to become chairman of the comity which controls the civil secret services in the National Assembly. This position was offered to his party by the ex-communist MSZP during the political horse trade while forming of the new assembly comities.

To cut it short, the political narrative of the Jobbik almost literally equals the intellectual heritage of Rózsa-Flores. He was without question also a very colorful personality.











Rózsa-Flores was a communist secret agent, got his training at the KGB Academy in the Sovietunion. He was the assistant of the international terrorist Carlos the Jackal while he was hiding in Budapest in the 80's, a letter buddy of Carlos while in a French prison. Later he  turned to become member of Opus Dei, turned journalist for the Cuban news agency Prensa Latina, turned Croatian freedom fighter, commandante of the Croatian International Brigade of mercenaries during the Yugoslav War, turned colonel of the Croatian Army, turned film star and writer and popular public figure, turned Hungarian far-right wing blogger, turned devoted Sufi Muslim poet being the son of a Jewish father, turned Bolivian terrorist guerrilla.












Finally turned death, shot point-blank range in the Las Americas hotel in Santa Cruz by Bolivian Security Forces. He was allegedly a key figure in organizing an uprising against the Bolivian president Evo Morales. He had also close ties to the paramilitary wing of the Jobbik, the Hungarian Guard  (Magyar Gárda).
















Despite a court decision which disbanded the Guard, they could operate freely under the MSZP-SZDSZ government, terrorizing the Roma minority and spreading fear all around.
Even Ernesto Che Guevara who was the hero of the young Rózsa-Flores would be proud of such a CV.

Can you follow it? This is not pulp fiction! This is not a novel of Joseph Conrad or a short treatment of a Bourne Again film sequel.

The Bolivian government justice department announced last week that Rózsa-Flores had also ties to the Bolivian general, who killed Che Guevara. This is what I call a pretty closed circle.

Freudian Nightmare?
No. This is Hungary, member of the EU in 2010.

(1.) (...) ,in the beginning the SZDSZ defined itself leftist, not liberal. When the MSZP became strong, it was posh to rebrand it as liberal.’
     (...) ,eleinte az SZDSZ nem liberális, hanem baloldali pártként határozta meg magát, amikor azonban az MSZP áttört, elegánsnak tűnt a liberális jelző.’
     (by Péter Tölgyessy, former SZDSZ leader)
     Source: Tölgyessy Péter: Az SZDSZ-t méltósággal már eltemetni sem tudják

(2.) Jobbik on Wikipedia.

(3.)  Rózsa-Flores on Wikipedia.ózsa-Flores

Other useful links


pictures are borrowed from and other unknown websites. none of them are copyrighted by me.

Author: zeroglab

June 2th 2010, Rotterdam

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Címkék: politika pulp parlament terror kgb morales jobbik fiction bolivia rozsa flores

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